I hope that title took a few of you by surprise. Yes, writing your own book is the easy part, selling it? That’s when it starts to get interesting. According to Just Publishing Advice, there are about 1.5 million new books published each year on Kindle alone.
So, one might wonder, just how the hell do you get noticed? Someone could write the best book ever written and no one would ever know. I wish that I could say that I have somehow discovered the secret to selling thousands of books, but I haven’t. There seems to be a plethora of experts out there promising to help me do that if I just send them a few hundred dollars, etc.
OK, so I’ve written a few – like the one above among many others. Actually, if you are interested in what else I’ve written, there is a page on this site called BOOKS BY BOB, give it a shot. It doesn’t cost anything to look.
Anyway, I’ve written, published and rewritten 7 books in the past few months and now must move on to something called “marketing.” I spent most of my working life in some sort of sales or client relations position, so you would think I’d know how to sell something by now. Unfortunately, I am going back to school to get me some edumication (sic), and will attempt to make my books more visible on Amazon. A 5-day course starts tomorrow, thanks to the folks at Publisher Rocket.
As some readers of this corner might know, I have completed a 6-book series dedicated to seniors and retirees that offers some ideas about creating additional retirement income. To be more accurate, it offers hundreds of possibilities with all the information needed to put them into practice. I’m pretty excited about that and will most likely continue writing more for this “close-to-home” niche. At least, I will continue writing until golf season starts.
And, just to warn you in advance, I have been thinking and outlining something in the fiction area. No details to share with you yet, but…
……it will be interesting to see what the course suggests for increasing visibility on Amazon…..certainly a market place for the masses!
Would love to see something fictional – mystery with a twist!!!!