Your personal story is a living breathing example of nature vs. nurture and it is now time to broaden our outlook a bit to see where you came from. What kind of influence did your extended family exert in making you who you are?

Many people find it interesting and revealing to have a DNA test done to find further evidence of their roots. is a website that specializes in researching more detail about the history of your family. You may find both of these sources interesting in determining your history.

family-history-1MOTHER’S FAMILY

What were your mother’s parents names?

What did you call them?

Where and when were they born?

What was their national heritage?

What did they do for a living?

Where did they live when your mother was growing up?

What do you know about your mother’s childhood and life at home?

How many siblings did your mother have?

What do you know about them? Names, birth dates, fun facts, careers, marriages, illnesses, etc.?

How well did you know your maternal grandparents?

Did you spend much time with them when you were a child – holidays, summers?

Were they involved in bringing you up?

What are your strongest memories of them?

What else can you add about your mother’s parents that is interesting?

What about other members of her family – like your great grandparents, great aunts and uncles, anyone else?


What were your father’s parents names?

What did you call them?

Where and when were they born?

What was their national heritage?

What did they do for a living?

Where did they live when your father was growing up?

What do you know about your father’s childhood and life at home?

How many siblings did your father have?

What do you know about them – names, birth dates, fun facts, careers, marriages, illnesses, etc.?

How well did you know your paternal grandparents?

Did you spend much time with them as a child – holidays, summers?

Were they involved in bringing you up?

What are your strongest memories of them?

What else can you add about your father’s parents that is interesting?

What about other members of his family like his grandparents, great aunts and uncles – anyone else?

We have a pretty good set of facts outlined about you and your family but let’s face it, there are some great stories that we haven’t touched on yet. In the next few installments, we are going to take a better look at our ancestors and ourselves as we get into the juicy stuff. If creating a journal of your life or a Legacy Bio is becoming an interesting part of the legacy you leave your family, then share the process with others.


Creating a life journal or a Legacy Biography as we have called it, requires some research, quiet thoughtfulness and perhaps a few chuckles and tears mixed in for good measure. When we start to consider our roots, our family, and how we were influenced by them, we begin to reveal how we are who we are. This is a great time to talk with older family members whether they are parents, grandparents or aunts and uncles to pick their brains about stories that are part of your family history. Pictures, scrapbooks, family reunions, old letters, Facebook connections, and boxes forgotten in the basement will all provide sources for exploring the history of you.

family-history-3MY FATHER

What’s his full name?

What is his date of birth?

Where was he born?

Where did he go to school and how far did he go?

What did he do for a living?

Did he have any hobbies, play any sports?

What do you remember him doing for fun?

Did he have any special skills like painting, singing, athletics, cooking, writing, speaking, carpentry, auto mechanics, wine making, gardening?

When you look in the mirror, how are you reminded of him – your eyes, nose, mouth, hair, habits, sayings, walk, attitude?

What was the most important lesson he taught you?

What did you like most about him?

What was the biggest challenge in your relationship with him?

Where is he now?

What special stories have you heard from other family members about your father when he was a young man?

How did aging affect him?

I wish he had…

I wish I had…


What’s your mother’s maiden name?

When was she born?

Where was she born?

Where did she go to school and how far did she go?

What kind of work did she do before she married?

Did she have a career after marriage? What was it?

What were her hobbies and special interests?

What did she do for fun?

Did she have any special skill and talents – singing, acting, writing, gardening, dancing, baking, jigsaw puzzles, coaching, sports?

When you look at yourself and your life, what did you inherit from your mother – physically, emotionally and perhaps materially?

What was the most important thing you learned from your mother?

What do you appreciate most about her?

What was the biggest challenge in your relationship with your mother?

Did any of the challenges change as you each grew older?

Where is she now?

What special stories have you heard from other family members about your mother when she was a young woman?

How did aging affect her?

I wish she had…

I wish I had…


If you were adopted, what do you know about your birth parents?

What do you know about your parents’ love story – how did they meet, fall in love and get married?

How old were they when they married?

What is the one thing you would change about your parents if you could?

Do you have any siblings – what are their names and dates of birth?

Use one word or phrase to describe each of them as children.

Where do you fit in the order of birth – oldest, youngest, etc?

What words would you use to describe your home life as a child?

I hope you are enjoying this trip down memory lane. It can be challenging to revisit memories of our childhood as it tugs us emotionally but what a wonderful legacy you are creating for people who want to know who you are. If you know someone who should be doing the same thing, please share this series with them.


What will your legacy be? Creating your personal history helps future generations understand you, themselves and their roots. You can leave a legacy of property and money but neither will tell your grandchildren and their children your story or where and how they came to be.  Using this template of fill-in-the-blanks offers the opportunity to help history come alive and give your descendants a true picture of the life and times of YOU.

first-job-1Someone made a strong impression on you when you were a young adult – a teacher, parent, family member – someone. Consider writing a note to them reminding them of their advice or thoughts and describe your life today. Did they encourage and support you or were their predictions a negative influence? Tell them how their words influenced who you are today.

What was your first real-life job?

Were you a good employee, were you enthusiastic, interested, involved or was it less than inspiring – how did your attitude affect your success?

Did you learn anything about your strengths and weaknesses? What were they?

Did your family influence your first job decision – what role did they play?

Did you accept their advice or rebel against it?

Was your career decision influenced by money, intellectual curiosity, innate talent, creativity, or a desire to make a difference in the lives of others?

When did you leave your parent’s home and how old were you?

Where did you move to? How far away was it? Do you remember the address, the neighborhood, the surrounding stores, shops, businesses?

What kind of furnishings did you have and where did you get them?

When did you purchase your first vehicle and what was it, how much did you pay, did you use it for work? Describe it.

Did you ever throw a really wild party? What was the wildest party you ever attended and what was the wildest party you were ever thrown out of? Were the police ever involved in these memorable events?

What was the biggest financial gamble you ever took and how did it work out?

What was your biggest emotional risk and how did that work out?

Describe the biggest physical risk you ever took and how it worked out.

How did you normally meet friends and lovers at this stage of your life?

Did you ever regret passing up an opportunity for love?

Did you ever pass up an opportunity for money or a job that you regret or are thankful for?

Describe the most romantic date you ever had.

Did you have a busy and active romantic life?

How many casual relationships did you have before the first serious one came along?

What first attracted you to a “significant other”?

What personal traits, characteristics, values and interests helped to deepen your relationships?

What made you feel that you were ready to move beyond a casual relationship to something more meaningful and committed?

Help someone else to create a meaningful legacy by sharing this series with them.