Your personal history includes how you fit into the rest of the world. Your place on the planet is much more than just your family and closest friends but includes your relationships with people and places in much wider circles. Let’s take a look at how you make your mark on others.connect-with-world-1


Have you ever volunteered to help others?

Was this with an organization, and if so, what organization(s)?

Did you ever travel as a volunteer – where?

Describe your main volunteer activities in the past – names, places, what, why.

Are you currently volunteering?

Do you plan to volunteer in the future?

If you could choose to do any volunteer activity anywhere in the world, what would it be and why?

Expand on your most impactful volunteer experience to date.


Who are your closest neighbors and describe them ( they’ll never read this – will they?)

How would you describe yourself as a neighbor – friendly, distant, nod only, live in each others houses, lots of parties, borrow and return tools, nosy, helpful, etc?

Describe your ideal neighbor.

What’s your biggest pet peeve with neighbors?

Have you ever had a fight with a neighbor – if so, what happened?

Describe the most difficult neighbors you ever lived near.


Describe each of your jobs using the who, what, where and why process.

What was your favorite job and why?

What do you do today?

If you work outside your home – what is the address?

What do you like most and least about your current job?

What main attributes do you bring to your current job?

Do you have any areas you would like to improve upon in your current position?

Do you have to commute – how long?

Do you participate in any ongoing training, upgrading or learning in your job?

Have you ever quit a job – what was the story?

Were you ever fired – why?

If you could choose any job in the world, regardless of education, money and location – what would it be?

Do you delegate tasks easily or are you that “if you want it done right, do it yourself”  person?

Are you ever reluctant to take vacations or are you constantly planning the next one?

If you are sick, do you go to work anyway?

What are your weekends like – full of projects, tasks and to-do lists or are they filled with naps?

When you go on vacation – are you constantly sightseeing, finding new adventures, trying something you have never tried before or is a beach chair and drink more your style?

Are you retired or planning to retire? What are your thoughts about it?

Some people say they are busier in retirement than they were at work – how about you – are you, or will you, be busier?

Describe an average day in your retirement.

Would you, or did you, ever take a sabbatical from work – if so, what did or would you do?

One way to connect with the world is to encourage others to add their story  of who and where they come from. Let’s not lose the connections to our past and let’s help our friends and family create their own personal history by telling them about this project. You can send them an email directly from this page to show them how they can create their own Legacy. Just click on the email symbol.


When it comes to creating a personal history or a biography to leave as a legacy to others, dates and times are important but the things that readers will find the most interesting – is the real you. What were your hopes and dreams – what were your successes and disappointments and how did they affect your life?

friends-1Remember that you don’t necessarily have to share this information with anyone at any time but, at some point in the future, someone will wonder who you were and how you have affected their lives many generations later. You can ultimately decide when your Legacy Bio can be opened and to whom it will be released. Go ahead and answer all of these questions and you can make decisions and edit later.


Including the addresses, where are the main places that you have lived? Can you give some details about the house, apartment, etc.?

What was special about each place you lived?

Are there any similarities about the various residences – proximity to water, night life, trees, views, geography, work, play, or anything else?

Create a drawing of your current bedroom.

What are the major places you have visited for both vacations and business?

What family vacation stands out in your memory and why?

Have you ever taken a vacation by yourself – where and why?

What is the next big destination on your bucket list?


Who was your first best friend?

How did you meet and are you still friends?

What is the name of some of your other closest buddies over the years?

Who is your best friend now – expand on your relationship?

Have you ever been cheated by a lover, friend or family member?

What happened?

Have you ever betrayed someone – what happened?

Can you remember someone “putting it on the line” for you, someone who took a personal risk to back you up?

How many times have you been in love?

In your love relationships, who said “I love you” first?

What was your greatest romantic experience?

What was the worst?

OK, here it is, the one you have been waiting for – describe your first sexual experience.

Have any love relationships been lost due to death, illness, divorce or something else and what was that like for you?

What actions have you taken to get over those losses?

Have you ever experienced being in love with more than one person at a time?

What are the characteristics of a lover or marriage partner that are most important to you?

Attractiveness – describe in what ways


Financial means



Sense of humor

What other characteristics are important or are “deal breakers?”

Did you ever end a relationship with a close friend or family member and why?

Has a friend or family member ever ended their relationship with you and do you know why or what prompted it?

Have you considered trying to repair the relationship?

How would that person get back into your good graces – what would they have to do or say – or could they?

Who is it in your life that you still need to forgive?

Who, in your life, have you been too lenient with when it comes to overlooking their failings?

 If you have children, explain how you love each one differently.

Do you parent your children differently than your parents raised you?

How have you improved on the parent/child relationship compared to your own parents?

If you have no children – how would you raise your children differently if you had some?

If you could ask three questions of anyone in your life, past or present, and you were absolutely guaranteed a truthful answer, what would you ask of whom?

So, now we are getting to some “meat and potatoes” issues, revealing ourselves for all (or maybe no one) to see. How do you feel about this exercise? Would you encourage someone else to do it too? Would you help them if they are unable to physically work on this project themselves?
The more we know about where and who we come from, the more we are able to understand ourselves. Please share if you agree.


When we think about our family history, there are always a few nut cases to discuss. If you can’t determine the nut case in yours, well…

Someone once said that every family is dysfunctional. I don’t know about that, but I do know that every family is full of stories, characters and events; some for sharing in public and others for hiding in a journal. Time now to put on your creative hat and whip up a little eccentricity.

family-funnies-1Are there any well known family stories that you can include in your Legacy Bio? Are there stories about danger, intrigue, immigration, hardship, adventure? Are there any famous people in your family – famous or infamous? Give us the newspaper version – who, what, where, when and why.

What’s in the family closet? Everyone has a story or two lurking in the dark that is rarely talked about, kind of like the elephant in the room – what’s yours?

Who is the most eccentric member of your family? Describe their eccentricities and assume they will never read this.

Do you own any strange habits that other family members might describe as eccentric, weird, a bit off the wall, or otherwise nutty?

Is this something you would want to change or are you proud of your individuality?

What family members played a significant role in your life and how? Specifically, are there any cousins, aunts or uncles who fit this description.

Who were your favorites?

What was it about them that made them a favorite?

If you had the chance to act as a mentor to one of your younger relatives, who would that be and what would you do, say or model to guide and help them?

Add a note – a detail or two – about each of your siblings and cousins (something about their appearance, smarts, wit, talent – what is the one word that captures their essence).

Do you know what these same people would have said about you as a child?

Would those thoughts be any different now that you  are an adult?

When you consider your siblings and cousins – who was the


best looking



best behaved

black sheep

high maintenance

Mom and Dad’s favorite?

How fair or accurate were these descriptions?

How did these descriptions affect their lives and expectations?


Did you marry?

more than once?

names and dates?

Describe how you met your spouse(s) and how, where, when you got married.

Describe your honeymoon(s).

Describe your spouse(s).

Did you decide to have children? How did you reach that decision?

List the name and date of birth of each of your children (and date of adoption if applicable).

If you have no children of your own, are there any special children in your life?

What was special about each child’s birth?

Considering each child, what was the biggest challenge in parenting them?

What was your proudest moment for each child?

You can edit later but give it a try and write all the gory details as you work your way through this exercise. You can scratch out what you don’t want posterity to read (that in itself can raise some serious interest in your story) or you might decide to leave it in. After all, after you’re gone – what can they do to you for telling the truth?

If you are getting engaged in writing your Legacy Biography, give some one else the opportunity to do the same by sharing this website.