4 Amazing Benefits of Connecting with Nature

You know how good it feels to get out and relax in nature, right? It’s time out from the stresses of everyday life and take some time for yourself. Space and clean air, to breathe, opens the pathway to peace and a sense of well-being. But did you also know that science shows that there are health benefits to connecting with the natural world? It’s so beneficial you could even call it nature therapy! Here’s how being in the great outdoors is great for you.

mountain path
  1. Nature reduces stress and anxiety

Being out in nature has a measurable effect on your stress levels. They go right down, also lowering your risk of anxiety and depression. Even if you live and work in high rise glass and steel buildings, having a dose of the natural world can help lift your mood, your cognitive function, and your mental health. Whether it’s a walk in the park or even having a plant on your desk or being able to look out of the window, any connection with nature will help.

2. Connection with nature is healing

Studies have shown that even being able to see a natural landscape can help hospital patients recover faster.

It also helps your immune system function better. Scientists have found over twenty pathways or connections between exposure to nature and improved health, protecting you from heart disease, depression, and diabetes

3. Nature changes your perceptions of the world

Researchers have found that walking through a rural area changed the study participants’ attitude toward their to-do list. They saw their tasks as more manageable than participants who walked through city streets.

People who exercise outdoors move faster, have a lowered perception of effort, enjoy their exercise more, and are more likely to stick to their routine than people exercising in a gym.

4. Nature is great for your mental health

Remember how good it feels to be near the ocean, a river, or a waterfall? That’s because the air near moving water is full of negative ions that can act as natural anti-depressants. It’s the same effect as the change in the air after a thunderstorm when the air is no longer oppressive but clear and fresh.

There are now many studies which show that people living in green areas, or who have access to green spaces in cities, have significantly better mental wellbeing than people who live cut off from nature.

Even having an aquarium, houseplants, or a view onto green space can help. Walking a golf course is a perfect and fun way to reconnect with nature, although searching through the bushes and fallen leaves for my damn ball may be a bit too “natural” sometimes.

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How to become a creative dynamo can be the key to moving you forward both in your career and your personal life. This reason is why it can be so frustrating when you struggle to develop your creativity. Here are six ways to develop your creativity and realize the success you deserve in life.

man holding ice cream cone under cloud
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on Pexels.com
  • Build Your Confidence

Creativity is often stifled if you are afraid or embarrassed to tell others what you are thinking. A huge part of creativity is sharing and further developing your ideas with others. This assumes that you can safely share your thoughts and receive helpful feedback rather than negativity. Finding that non-judgmental person you can open up to can be difficult and you will want to tread carefully at first.

  • Have Creative Time

If your schedule is so full of activities that you don’t have time to sit and think or time to create, of course, you won’t be creative! Help develop your creativity by setting aside time each day to be creative. Creativity often strikes at the craziest moments so have a small notepad available to record your thoughts so you can revisit them later. You might want to add a creativity block to your daily schedule – even 15 minutes per day will get you on the right track.

  • Brainstorm

Brainstorming is a great idea to get your creative juices flowing. You can brainstorm anything, from new ideas for your free time, new date ideas or even how you want your dream home to look—the sky is the limit! Sit down and start filling that paper with ideas! Remember, brainstorming rarely follows an orderly pattern so accept that random thoughts will jump at you – accept them.

  • Try New Things

Nothing gets creative juices flowing quite like trying something new. Is there a class at the gym you have always wanted to take? Go for it! Or maybe you want to vacation somewhere new? That’s an idea too! Anything that will make you step out of your comfort zone is great for your creativity.

  • Spend Time In Nature

Nature is one of the best ways to get inspired and start feeling creative for free. Take some time each week and sit in nature, or go for a walk after work each day. You’ll be surprised at the ideas you come up with while just being outside. Don’t forget your notepad and unplug the music and other distractions – this is ME time.

  • Journal

If you want to develop your creativity, consider journaling regularly. Keeping a journal helps your thoughts to flow and helps you overcome problems and think more creatively. Try to journal for 5-10 minutes each day.

Wherever you may be in life with your creative journey, there is bound to be something on this list that sparks your creativity. You don’t have to use every one of these things to help your creativity develop, but if you incorporate some of them into your life, they may surprise you at how easy being creative is! So don’t hesitate and start developing your creativity today!


What are the secrets to figuring out your life’s extraordinary purpose?

You might have a brilliant career, a successful business, and a loving, supportive network of family and friends. But if you don’t know your life’s purpose, you’ll still feel that there’s something not quite right. Living an authentic, purposeful life makes you happier and healthier. Scientists have even found it can help you live longer!

If contentment and fulfillment are eluding you, try these 4 practical ways to find your life’s extraordinary purpose.

  • Home in On Your Passions

If you have trouble thinking of your passions, have a look at what you post and share on social media. What fires you up? What photos and issues do you post and comment on? What sort of articles do you email to friends? What do you discuss around the dinner table? What keeps you awake at night?

Being more aware of what really fires your interest will help you realize what your life purpose might be.

  • What Injustices Fire You Up?

In a similar vein, what makes your blood boil when you see it on the news or read about it? Maybe it’s inequality, child poverty, racism, or cruelty to animals. Think about the issues that bother you. Think of how you could use these emotions to change the world.

Volunteer at a local non-profit or organize a petition or letter-writing campaign. Set up an online fundraiser. Turn your passion to fight injustice into action for good. If it’s worth thinking about, then it’s worth taking action.

  • Volunteer to Find Your Purpose

Studies have shown that helping others is one of the most powerful ways to increase your own happiness. It is also an excellent way to find meaning and purpose in your life. Think of what you can do to help your local sports club, aged care home, or non-profit. When you donate your time, money, and skills to help others, you will not just be giving them a helping hand; you will help yourself as well.

  • Ask for Feedback

If you’re still struggling to find a purpose that resonates with you, ask for feedback. Think about when people come to you to ask for help. What do people compliment you on?

Talk to that person who listens with interest but without judgement. The contact that quietly engages you but does not offer advice unless asked. They are the ones that have the insight to provide deeper feedback that reveals your purpose. You just might be living your life with purpose and passion, but you don’t realize it! If that is the case, then you have an incredible base to fully live a life of extraordinary purpose.


If you are not living an extraordinary life, perhaps a little reevaluation might help. Try looking here.

We have covered this topic in some previous posts that you might find interesting.