According to a local radio station, people who listen to 70’s and 80’s music tend to set their car volume higher than other drivers (and tend to open the roof more often too!). And that brings me to the subject of Baby Boomers. An important new book has come on the scene and I have just finished reading it – you should too.

The Reinvention Equation: A boomer’s Guide to a Reinvented Life by Howard Parsons was released a week ago and I just finished reading it. It’s very easy to give this book a 5 star rating and I have done so on Amazon. As baby boomers, we have witnessed unprecedented and seismic shifts in virtually every aspect of life. The word “technology” didn’t exist when we were kids and look at how it rules every aspect of our lives today. When I was pre-teen, the closest we came to being a techno wiz occurred when we removed the glass tubes from those old wooden radios and went to a store to test them and see if they needed replacing. Communications (other than the sound of our mother’s voice when it was time to come in for dinner) consisted of stretching a piece of copper wire from the back of that same radio, across our bedrooms to a window in the hopes of picking up the rock and roll stations in New York or Chicago to listen to the Big Bopper or Buddy Holly late at night – yep, I’m older than dirt apparently.

We seem to enjoy all those little quizzes on Facebook that demonstrate our advanced years by remembering things like party lines, fountain pens, spankings and various and sundry other nonsense to show our advancing years. But there are some things that have happened to many of us that remain inside and are rarely bragged about. Most of us were sold a bill of goods about how wonderful our lives would be if we just purchased some magic elixir that promised good health, worked for the same company until retirement, remained in a relationship, raised kids, took 2 weeks vacation, bought the right insurance policy, and on and on and on. Sure, some people have created a retirement of travel, good health, great friends, enough money, peace of mind, and everything that we were promised but what about the huge majority for whom this didn’t happen?

What about those people who worked for a company or organization for 35 years only to see it close down due to the aforementioned technology changes? What about those people who sacrificed to put their children through university, care for their own aging parents and now find themselves, at age 65, without the financial means to ride off into the retirement sunset? What about those people who take a look at their current life and say, “is that all there is?”

In the Reinvention EquationMr. Parsons uses the examples in his own life, and the lives of his clients, to illustrate the need to make changes from the inside out. If, like the majority of us, you have not reached nirvana, have not accomplished everything you expected, have not achieved the dream that was promised and expected, there is still a way to find the life that you so richly deserve. In the book, the author shows us, step by step, the process, the thinking, the road map to bringing the dreams we hold sacred and in our essential selves into reality. We find practical advice for looking inside to discover who we really are and how to move from that deeply felt truth to live a life of fulfillment and meaning.

Many of us have had to adapt to the changing conditions of the outside world but doing so has caused us to deny the deeply held essence of our true natures. So much so, that in many cases we have completely lost touch with who we really are. Glimmers of these truths reach the surface from time to time to frustrate and confuse us but Mr. Parsons presents a road map to help us find the meaning and truth in our lives. Combining newly discovered brain science and mixing this knowledge with fundamental principles of change, Mr. Parsons presents a compelling methodology for reinvention and deep, permanent, soulful acceptance of who we truly were meant to be.

This is a must read for any baby boomer who wants to awaken to their true nature and achieve a level of personal success that rises above the mundane and reaches for a connection to their hidden spirit thus allowing their true nature the freedom of expression to fulfill a destiny that, until now, they could only long for.

You can access information on the various formats of the The Reinvention Equation here.


Super Bowl weekend is upon us and it carries the rank of being almost a national holiday for millions around the world. This is the 51st edition of this sports extravaganza and, sad to say, I actually remember the first one. Holy Crap! (thus the reference to toilet bowl above). We’ll have the game on (because nothing else will be broadcast at the same time) but I have to admit – sacrilegious as it may be – I don’t spend a whole lot of time watching the NFL. I don’t participate in any fantasy leagues and I can’t remember the last time I sat down and watched an entire NFL game beginning to end. I know, I know, my manhood may be in question. I am, without question, a homer. I watch the Flames and the Stampeders, Calgary Pro hockey and football teams only. That’s it. I can find time to do that but I just cannot seem to generate the free time to watch other leagues or teams other than the Blue Jays if they are in the hunt. Yep, a confirmed homer am I.

Not sure what dinner delight I will prepare for the Super Bowl but I have found a recipe online that I am making tonite. At one time, I was going to organize a cookbook of favourite recipes for our kids but it is so much easier to just go online these days and try something new. Sometimes they work out and sometime they don’t but, what the hey. Here’s the one I’m making tonight:

One Pot Cheesy Chicken Broccoli and Rice Casserole
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 30 mins
Total Time 40 mins
One Pot Cheesy Chicken Broccoli and Rice Casserole – it’s cheesy, it’s comforting and it’s made in one pot. It’s dinner!
Servings: 6
Calories: 342 kcal
Author: Joanna Cismaru
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 2 chicken breasts cut into small cubes
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 cloves garlic minced
  • 3/4 cup rice I used Basmati
  • 10 oz can cream of chicken soup
  • 2 to 3 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 1 cup cheddar cheese
  • 1 tbsp fresh parsley chopped
  1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet. Add chopped onion and cubed chicken. Cook on medium heat for a few minutes until the chicken starts to brown a bit. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir in garlic and cook for another 30 seconds until garlic gets aromatic.
  2. Add the rice, cream of chicken soup and chicken broth. Start with 2 cups of chicken broth and if more is needed add more until rice is fully cooked. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook over medium heat until the rice is fully cooked, stirring occasionally, should take about 15 minutes or so. Taste for seasoning and adjust as necessary.
  3. Add the broccoli florets and half the cheese then continue cooking for 2 more minutes, until broccoli softens a bit. Sprinkle over the top with remaining cheese and place the skillet under the broiler for a couple more minutes, just until it melts and starts to brown a bit.
  4. Garnish with fresh parsley and serve.

My friend, author and former book writing client Joanie Hebert Lalond came across this incredible website with videos of some of the all time greatest songs ever. One of my favourites of the golden (oldie) age of music is this one:

And based on the following video and the reference to Trump’s chief strategist, maybe I will change back to my birth name for a little while. Look at that, I almost made it through the entire blog without a political reference!


“The world is becoming curiouser and curiouser,”  cried Alice and Bob. I really don’t want this corner of the internet to devolve into a political commentary but the world seems to be getting stranger, more dangerous and just plain crazier by the day. With an apology to my U.S. family and friends, I’ve never been a big fan of the American political system ever since a late night meeting in 1981 in Berlin when I came face to face with a group of “good old boys” who literally occupied a smoke filled back room and decided how the world would unfold the next day. Rick Pinchin, you will recall that night I’m sure. Hopes, dreams, money and hard work dashed on the rocks of political duplicity. The experience created a deep seated cynicism about power and authority.

This cynicism doesn’t make me right but it does cause me to look beyond the headlines, beyond the obvious, beyond the constant opinion and search for truth in a world that has forgotten or really doesn’t care very much about it. Fake news, Hollywood opinion makers, race mind, media bullshit, and voter disinterest and naivete have combined to make this an interesting, if not confused and scary time in history.

Ah, but there are some voices in the wilderness that are far more eloquent and informed than I and I value, whether I totally  agree or not, their thoughts and words. One of the more common sense pieces that I have read in recent weeks comes from a Canadian journalist with a strong streak of common sense and an incredible command of vocabulary and insight – Rex Murphy.

Immigration has become a topic filled with opinion, fear and pixie dust in recent months – even before Trump’s recent executive order. In addition to offering asylum to people who are simply trying to create a better life for themselves, should we be doing much more to help them stay home and create a better life for themselves and their fellow citizens there? Yes, it’s easy to say that we should look after our self interests first, feed the hungry, make education more accessible and so much more but do we, as human beings, have a responsibility to the other inhabitants of our planet? Should the wealthier countries give a hand up to the poorer? We need to answer the question for ourselves and then create the answers for our nations.

And finally, I am so disappointed in myself. I copied the following text that I was so amazed by but somehow didn’t copy the writer’s name. If anyone recognizes this passage and can send me the person’s name, I would really like to add that credit – she deserves it for sure. It may seem a bit long but it is definitely worth reading from an American recently travelling in Europe and her impressions:

It’s interesting to see how the world sees “us” in the US. For the past 15 days, Clark Kent and I have been in France and Germany. We’ve had some incredible conversations with our hosts in both countries. Here are the high/mid/lowlights from those conversations and experiences:

1) Police Violence: It is incomprehensible to Europeans how any person could have multiple bullets put into them at the hands of police…and how this keeps happening.
2) Politics: They think Donald Trump is scary and a joke at the same time. They call him a “reality TV star.”
3) Healthcare: They don’t understand why we have so many problems with our healthcare, nor do they understand the resistance Americans have to universal healthcare.
4) Muslims & Refugees: While in Munich, we walked by a seemingly well-organized anti-Muslim protest. No one paid the protesters any attention and simply walked by. There are former US Army bases with tons of empty barracks in the town I’m currently in that are being used to house Syrian refugees as well.
5) Cost of Living: I’ve never paid more than €0.59 (roughly $0.70) for fresh baguette in France (€1.29 in Germany). Cured meats and cheeses here are ridiculously cheap. Supermarkets are few and fresh food is plentiful from local markets. Clark and I are both astonished at how little we’ve paid for groceries here (as we’ve eaten all but 3 meals in for our entire trip). The subways/trains in both Paris and Munich cost less than the CTA in Chicago.

As someone who’s had the gift of living in places other than America, here’s something that hit me last night while walking through town with our generous host:

We all wish on the same stars each night. No matter where you are in the world, we can spend our days worried about this and that and all have our crises and catastrophes. But wherever you might be — there’s something out there that’s worth learning. Understanding. To think a single population is the best at anything and everything is to miss out on the person some thousands of miles away, wishing on that same star you are tonight and what the world looks like to them.

You might be wishing you had lower healthcare premiums. They might be wishing that their baby lives to see one more day.

You might be wishing for a promotion so you can get that bigger house for your growing family. They might be wishing for a place — anyplace — to call home.

You might be wishing for a government to back off your guns. They might be wishing that their “government” didn’t have so many.

You might be wishing that some people didn’t have the legal right to marry or adopt or build families because of your values and beliefs. They might be wishing for they day when their wives and children, whom they had to leave behind as their homeland became a war zone, can join them in the land that’s given them refuge.

You might wish you didn’t have to pay so much in taxes. That person on the other side of the world might be wishing for the day where he or she sees a paycheck because they finally got a job.

We all wish on the same stars. And this trip for the past 16 days has reminded me that I live in a world where people take the time to see me and the world I live in each day.

The least I can do is learn about their world and how they live in it each day.

And tonight, I think my starry wish will be for the person who’s wishing on the same star as me, though unknown and perhaps thousands of miles away…

for that person to get all of my wish juice.

It’s a big world out there. Let’s better learn how to share it.

If you’ve made it this far – hopefully I can change subjects next week but regardless, it is always time to check out our own looking glass.