What will your legacy be? Creating your personal history helps future generations understand you, themselves and their roots. You can leave a legacy of property and money but neither will tell your grandchildren and their children your story or where and how they came to be.  Using this template of fill-in-the-blanks offers the opportunity to help history come alive and give your descendants a true picture of the life and times of YOU.

first-job-1Someone made a strong impression on you when you were a young adult – a teacher, parent, family member – someone. Consider writing a note to them reminding them of their advice or thoughts and describe your life today. Did they encourage and support you or were their predictions a negative influence? Tell them how their words influenced who you are today.

What was your first real-life job?

Were you a good employee, were you enthusiastic, interested, involved or was it less than inspiring – how did your attitude affect your success?

Did you learn anything about your strengths and weaknesses? What were they?

Did your family influence your first job decision – what role did they play?

Did you accept their advice or rebel against it?

Was your career decision influenced by money, intellectual curiosity, innate talent, creativity, or a desire to make a difference in the lives of others?

When did you leave your parent’s home and how old were you?

Where did you move to? How far away was it? Do you remember the address, the neighborhood, the surrounding stores, shops, businesses?

What kind of furnishings did you have and where did you get them?

When did you purchase your first vehicle and what was it, how much did you pay, did you use it for work? Describe it.

Did you ever throw a really wild party? What was the wildest party you ever attended and what was the wildest party you were ever thrown out of? Were the police ever involved in these memorable events?

What was the biggest financial gamble you ever took and how did it work out?

What was your biggest emotional risk and how did that work out?

Describe the biggest physical risk you ever took and how it worked out.

How did you normally meet friends and lovers at this stage of your life?

Did you ever regret passing up an opportunity for love?

Did you ever pass up an opportunity for money or a job that you regret or are thankful for?

Describe the most romantic date you ever had.

Did you have a busy and active romantic life?

How many casual relationships did you have before the first serious one came along?

What first attracted you to a “significant other”?

What personal traits, characteristics, values and interests helped to deepen your relationships?

What made you feel that you were ready to move beyond a casual relationship to something more meaningful and committed?

Help someone else to create a meaningful legacy by sharing this series with them.


Your Legacy Biography is beginning to take serious shape and the next phase of your life starts to unfold with optimism, confusion, dreams and fears – let’s explore them. The transition from the carefree days of high school or real life challenges of high school is one that each of us has a unique connection with. It’s time to take a look at those days when dreams were still real, challenges were coming at us and the scary prospect of adulthood was rearing its head. It was time to start facing life while still clutching at the naivete of youth.young-adults

When you were in high school, did you dream of the perfect job? What was it?

Did any of your plans for the perfect future have to be changed due to academic, financial, health, family, major events or other situations?

What happened and how did it affect you?

After you finished high school, what did you do?

What were the various options open to you regarding, job, school, love, military, travel, etc?

If you proceeded to higher education, describe and name the school, the courses, your best memories and the effect this had on your life both then and now.

What did you do during your summers?

What academic level did you finally achieve?

What difficulties and challenges did you encounter along the way?

Did you have any special teachers, professors, bosses, friends or family who were a memorable influence on this part of your life?

When you think back on your schooling, was anything missing, was there something else you wish you had learned?

Real life began to intrude in those days – what did you learn in the school of hard knocks?

Real lessons also began to show up – lessons about your relationships, money, work – which lessons were learned easily?

Did you ever make some unwise decisions, oversleep, had a check come back, miss an important meeting or do something else that you would consider kind of dumb today?

It may be a mistake to live in regret but if you could make some changes in this phase of your life, what would they be?

Would you choose a different job, different academic path, different friends, different advice?

During that time did you feel in control of your life or were you simply going from day to day to the next “thing”, the next party, the next class, the next paycheck?

If you had a “do-over” what is the one major thing you would change about the decisions you made in your late teens, early twenties – or would you?

What was the major thing that happened during this transition phase that had the biggest impact on your life today?

If you are finding this program has value for you, inspires, challenges, makes you smile or wonder, then give the opportunity to other people you know by sharing through email or another way so they can do the same.




Creating a record of your personal history is an act of love for the future. I notice on Facebook postings a frequently recurring request for one more day with my Dad or Mom or brother or sister. I could add some aunts and uncles, maybe even cousins to that list. Many people would like one more day with a spouse and I would venture to say that “one more day” is not only to say “I love you,” but also to ask some questions, to reveal a little more about our loved one’s life. By now, I hope you realize that someday, someone will post or at least, think and wish the same thing about you.

high-school-1Let’s continue on with those infamous, incredible, informative, infuriating, innocent, inquiring, inquisitive and perhaps insane teen years:

What did you think you would be when you grew up?

Did you attend your high school prom, who with, what did you wear?

Where did you go after the prom?

If you didn’t attend the prom, did you celebrate in some other way?

Were you athletic and if so, what sports did you play?

Remember gym class? When teams were picked, were you picked first, in the middle or last? How did you feel about that?

Did you participate in any school groups, clubs, teams or other organizations?

Did you receive any special awards or recognition?

Were you involved in any outside-school activities and what was your involvement?

Do you remember your average grades and do you remember your worst subject, your best subject?

Describe a teacher that sticks out in your mind and why.

Did your family, friends, teachers expect you to do well?

How did you respond to the expectations of other people?

What expectations did you have of yourself regarding school?

Did you worry much about your future?

Did you worry much about going to post secondary school or getting a job?

Did you have any adult friends – describe the circumstances.

What was your opinion about drugs and alcohol?

Who taught you to drive and how. Do you remember the car you learned in? Any stories, good or bad, about that experience?

Were you allowed to drive the family car and under what conditions?

Did you know anyone in your school who died, had a serious accident or disease?

Were you close to them, describe what happened?

If you were talking to yourself as a teen, what would you say, what advice would you give yourself? What would you tell yourself about the future?

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