Living with amazing purpose is possible for each of us. Here are 6 steps to help get there. Finding your purpose in life can turn everything around by making life more meaningful. Purpose gives us a reason to jump out of bed with hope in the morning instead of grumbling our way to the coffeepot.

Living with purpose helps to make the tough times easier to deal with, and the good times even better.

1. Know Your Beliefs

Living with amazing purpose starts with understanding your own personal system of values and beliefs. What is important to you? What really matters?

When you understand your beliefs, you can live by sticking to what is really important in your moral universe. You have an inbuilt list that you can use to guide the way you make decisions and priorities. It is the bedrock of integrity and how others will judge you. Respect and trust flows from living in alignment with your beliefs.

2. Get Clarity on Your Priorities

Your purpose shapes your priorities. Once you know your life’s purpose, it becomes easier to work out what you want to do and how to achieve your goals. This clarity means that saying no to some things and a hearty yes to others becomes more natural, and you’ll get ahead much faster.

Clarity of priorities becomes a filter through which we make the best decisions.

3. Aim For Balance

Once you’re comfortable with your life purpose, some of the striving and anxiety of life can ease off. You don’t have to work 24/7. You know how important it is to stay healthy, emotionally, and physically. People living with purpose connect with the people they love, and they don’t forget about self-care.

4. Follow Your Passion

Knowing your passion will help you find and nurture your purpose. Passion means energy and motivation; it means being really engaged with life and focusing on getting the most out of it. A new day is full of opportunities and promise, and you’re ready to go for it!

5. Feel your Contentment

This might sound a little surprising, but living a purposeful life gives you time to smell the roses. Knowing your life purpose takes the anxious edge off things and allows you to feel grateful for where you are now, as well as excited for the future.

6. Live in the Present

Perhaps the best gift of a life of purpose is that you relish every moment. There’s no room in your life for regret because everything you do is part of the big adventure. Challenges and setbacks become easier to ride out because you’re not letting failure define you. Being plugged into the present allows you to feel the abundance that’s already in your life.

The search for purpose can sometimes be a tricky ride. How do we know if what we are thinking about is really “purpose” or just wishful thinking? Can our purpose change with time and circumstances? Is purpose a goal or a way of living?

This series about “purpose” explores many aspects and you can see them here and here.

One of my favorite sources of inspiration about the questions of life is Brendon Burchard and my favorite book is THE MOTIVATION MANIFESTO. You can get it here.

We have the gift of freedom. Freedom to make choices based on principles like our own moral compass. Attached to that is the freedom to choose our purpose. It requires a few minutes of quiet time to reflect and acknowledge our inner force. We know what is right and what is wrong for ourselves. Using this power, we can adapt and choose our path or create our amazing purpose.



Build an Amazing Life on Purpose

You can build an amazing life on purpose. Maybe you’re working hard to achieve your dream life. Perhaps you’re an entrepreneur, or aiming for promotion, or trying to get your business off the ground. You might even be retired and trying to figure out what your purpose is now. If you’re finding success elusive, maybe you need to find your life’s purpose to lift you above the pack and change your mindset from struggle to success. It’s entirely possible that the purpose of your life has changed.

Finding your purpose is like finding a magic key to help you align everything you do and allows you to focus on getting to your best life now. Here are five steps to help set you in the right direction.

I accomplish all of the things I set my mind to


Too many people look to others for the answers. Too many people follow a path that’s not their path. Only you can know what your dream life looks like. The definition of your life’s purpose lies deep within you. All you have to do is tune into it. Journaling can be a helpful tool to allow your subconscious to speak your truth. Or meditation, or brainstorming. The important thing is that you look into your own heart.


Learn to trust that inner voice that often tells you that the conventional way of doing things may not be right for you. Whether it’s getting a college degree, following a famous spiritual guru, or obeying all the rules, if it doesn’t feel right, you don’t have to do it! Find your own way of living your life, and you’ll be much more likely to feel content and to be successful. Get to know who you are rather than getting to know what other people think.


Many people choose to live safe, conventional lives, too afraid to do things differently or to take a chance. They shouldn’t feel surprised if their lives are less than they could be. They experience a sense of longing that sometimes feels like failure. We all have a fear of the unknown, but we can choose to face our fears and to lean in to it and meet new challenges head-on.

Deciding to live your own life according to your values and your passion means being able to look fear in the face and step out of your comfort zone. Many people will say, “what if something goes wrong?” but we can choose to say, “what if it goes right?”


It’s easy to become a slave to the never-ending checklist of things you need to do before you can live your purpose. On your list, what is moving you forward and what is just marking time? There is no prize for having a long to-do list, especially if most of the items are “make busy” things. You only get one shot at life.

Have a look at your current list of tasks. How many of them will move you closer to living your best life? How many can you just scrub out or delegate to someone else? Some of us might ask, why does house cleaning, reading emails and Facebook come before the search for meaning and purpose?


Maybe the most important thing to know is that you don’t need expensive courses or workshops, or the right suit or car. You already have everything you need to start living your life’s purpose. It’s all within you. What really matters is what you do about it.

It’s time to build your own amazing life based on purpose. And today is the best time to start!


find your purpose

Finding “purpose” allows us to go from a feeling of empty to one of energy. It’s time to stop struggling to find your purpose. Some people seem to be born knowing what they want in life. They naturally unleash their passions, or their talents early and just know to go after them. Not everyone has this advantage, however. If you’re struggling to discover what you really want to do with your life, don’t give up. Read on.

Here are 5 simple questions to ask yourself to discover your life’s purpose. While it’s important to give each question proper consideration, try not to agonize over your responses. Allow your Inner Child and your intuition to guide your answers, and don’t forget to think big! It’s time to begin your journey into the best of all worlds.

While the questions are simple, the answers require you to dig deep if you want to find out more about yourself so you can set yourself on your true path.

1.   If Money Were No Object, How Would you Spend it?

If you had a never-ending magic source of money, how would you choose to spend it? This is not about spending your time, but spending the money itself. Be honest – the answers are to help you, not to impress anyone else!

2.   If You Could Do anything for A Whole Day, How Would You Spend it?

Think of your perfect day. It’s ok if it’s lying on a sun lounger by a pool or skiing in the Alps. Try to describe your ideal day in as much detail as possible. Don’t include any conditions to limit your thought process like having enough money, great health, etc.

3.   What’s Your Passion?

What energizes you? What gets your heart racing and your imagination firing? It could be political issues, connecting with people, being creative, or playing sports. Whatever your passion is, write it down! Your passions could be many, don’t limit yourself to just one unless of course there is one overpowering one. If there are several you can assign an order from most to least important. Be aware of what triggers you during your day.

4.   What Do You Really Love Doing?

Do you like nothing more than to bake or learn new gourmet techniques? Maybe you love writing or analyzing or even making spreadsheets. Or being out in nature or helping other people. Don’t judge yourself in this area, there is no right or wrong. Your passion or purpose will fire something in your gut. You will experience a tingling-pay attention, you are close.

5.   What Was Your Childhood Passion?

Think back to what you loved to do when you were a kid. What did your parents have to call you away from, to come to the dinner table? What was the thing you would lose hours doing? Close your eyes and remember back when an activity totally absorbed you, maybe drawing or playing make-believe games perhaps music, sports, dance, or being outdoors.

Once you have a sense of what lights you up, both now and when you were a kid, you can see some themes emerging. Think laterally about how you can focus on what’s important to you. Your life’s purpose is there in front of you.

So many of us only glance at these questions and fill in some sort of cursory answers, but this is where you really can make a difference in your life. Your life’s purpose is right here, just in front of you. Take the next ten or fifteen minutes to think about the questions and make the rest of your life a life of purpose.

If you haven’t read some previous posts about “PURPOSE” look here.

Sometimes we need a bit of help to sit quietly and allow the answers to find us. If you have wanted to begin a meditation routine, this short book will help.