find your purpose

Finding “purpose” allows us to go from a feeling of empty to one of energy. It’s time to stop struggling to find your purpose. Some people seem to be born knowing what they want in life. They naturally unleash their passions, or their talents early and just know to go after them. Not everyone has this advantage, however. If you’re struggling to discover what you really want to do with your life, don’t give up. Read on.

Here are 5 simple questions to ask yourself to discover your life’s purpose. While it’s important to give each question proper consideration, try not to agonize over your responses. Allow your Inner Child and your intuition to guide your answers, and don’t forget to think big! It’s time to begin your journey into the best of all worlds.

While the questions are simple, the answers require you to dig deep if you want to find out more about yourself so you can set yourself on your true path.

1.   If Money Were No Object, How Would you Spend it?

If you had a never-ending magic source of money, how would you choose to spend it? This is not about spending your time, but spending the money itself. Be honest – the answers are to help you, not to impress anyone else!

2.   If You Could Do anything for A Whole Day, How Would You Spend it?

Think of your perfect day. It’s ok if it’s lying on a sun lounger by a pool or skiing in the Alps. Try to describe your ideal day in as much detail as possible. Don’t include any conditions to limit your thought process like having enough money, great health, etc.

3.   What’s Your Passion?

What energizes you? What gets your heart racing and your imagination firing? It could be political issues, connecting with people, being creative, or playing sports. Whatever your passion is, write it down! Your passions could be many, don’t limit yourself to just one unless of course there is one overpowering one. If there are several you can assign an order from most to least important. Be aware of what triggers you during your day.

4.   What Do You Really Love Doing?

Do you like nothing more than to bake or learn new gourmet techniques? Maybe you love writing or analyzing or even making spreadsheets. Or being out in nature or helping other people. Don’t judge yourself in this area, there is no right or wrong. Your passion or purpose will fire something in your gut. You will experience a tingling-pay attention, you are close.

5.   What Was Your Childhood Passion?

Think back to what you loved to do when you were a kid. What did your parents have to call you away from, to come to the dinner table? What was the thing you would lose hours doing? Close your eyes and remember back when an activity totally absorbed you, maybe drawing or playing make-believe games perhaps music, sports, dance, or being outdoors.

Once you have a sense of what lights you up, both now and when you were a kid, you can see some themes emerging. Think laterally about how you can focus on what’s important to you. Your life’s purpose is there in front of you.

So many of us only glance at these questions and fill in some sort of cursory answers, but this is where you really can make a difference in your life. Your life’s purpose is right here, just in front of you. Take the next ten or fifteen minutes to think about the questions and make the rest of your life a life of purpose.

If you haven’t read some previous posts about “PURPOSE” look here.

Sometimes we need a bit of help to sit quietly and allow the answers to find us. If you have wanted to begin a meditation routine, this short book will help.


You can energize and love your life on purpose. Knowing your life purpose is not a magic cure-all for the things that are not so good right now, but it can turn your attitude, your motivation, and your energy around. It can be the unique advantage that helps you make those major shifts to upgrade your life and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Here are four ways your life can change once you commit to making your own roadmap to your best life.

  • You’ll Have Abundant Energy

When you know your life’s purpose, and you’re committed to going after it, your energy and motivation will soar. You will have a reason to bounce out of bed every morning. Instead of your checklist feeling like a bunch of chores, they will become the steppingstones to achieving your goals.

If you’re usually a couch potato, then going to the gym or for a run will make more sense. You want to be in the best possible shape to be the best possible you!

  • You’re More Engaged

Living with purpose means that life is more exciting. You have more drive, and you are more engaged with life than ever before. There’s no reason to hold yourself back or put off doing the things you want to do. Knowing your purpose helps you align everything and focus on what you want in your life. You’re less likely to agree to things that don’t fit with your purpose or to put off following your dream.

  • You Will See More Opportunities

Knowing your purpose helps you see more clearly and focus on the opportunities all around you.

When you know what you want, things will fall into place, your expectations will change, and you will know which opportunities to go for and which are merely distractions. Instead of your dream being ‘one day maybe,’ it’s front and center. And you will naturally tune in to look for the synchronicities that life puts in your path. It’s the “yellow car syndrome.” If you decide that you want to have a yellow car or a particular make of car, you will begin seeing them everywhere.

  • You Will Feel More Fulfilled

Knowing and aligning with your life purpose helps to make you feel fulfilled straightaway. Even before you have achieved your goals, simply knowing you’re set on the right path makes you more contented and grateful for the abundance that is already in your life.

Living with purpose helps sustain you through the tough times and makes the good times all the sweeter. 

One of life’s most important tasks is the search for “purpose.” It is never too late to search for, find, or change your life purpose.

Still trying to discover your purpose? A previous blog post might help. Go here.

I am a big fan of BRENDON BURCHARD and read one of his books at least once per year. Here’s my favourite, THE MOTIVATION MANIFESTO. You may find some inspiration for finding your life’s purpose there, too.


My friend Adeel Chowdhry sent an interesting note out the other day about finding your next million dollar idea. In the interests of full disclosure, I found his note interesting because I agree with his suggestions – I’m predictable like that…

The fact is, Adeel has had several successful million-dollar ideas, so it is worth contemplating his advice.

key to money ideas

Buy a small notebook that will fit in your pocket, so it is with you all the time. Include a small stubby pencil or pen. OK, for the more enlightened of you, yes, you can use an app on your phone. Check, you probably already have one, but there are lots of free ones.

How many times have you had a brilliant idea pop into your head and by the time you want to explore it, it’s gone? Had you jotted down a few brief words, you could return to the thought process easily. This is even more noticeable with dreams – put the notebook beside your bed, your TV chair, or get a separate one. A Dollar Store is probably a good place to get a supply of notebooks.

Yes, you might need a waterproof one for the shower.


Walk every day. Not for exercise, but for inspiration. A short walk of 30 minutes, but we could split it up into 3 ten-minute walks. How about after eating and it can benefit your digestion too? These are walks for your mind to explore anything that pops up. No agenda necessary; just let it roll. Take your notebook and jot down anything interesting.

A previous blog might give you some strategy ideas for your walk in the park.

Don’t use the weather as an excuse since you have all the proper clothing to go outside in sleet, snow, sun and dark of night. This daily habit pays big dividends and gets better the more you do it. If you need inspiration for a much longer hike, I know this great guy who wrote a book about his epic adventure.


Take those white earbuds out for this exercise. This is quiet time to let your mind do its thing. You don’t need a friend rattling off stuff in your ear either. Don’t take anyone with you and don’t answer your phone. Thirty minutes to allow your mind to percolate. It’s not exactly a meditation but a few minutes focussed on letting ideas come into being.

Walk in silence and let your mind wander – that’s where your next million-dollar idea is.

In the event you would like to see what Adeel’s million-dollar idea was, go here. I use it every day.

And if you also wish to include some meditation in your daily routine, try reading this.